Are you currently using keycards, codes or issuing car cards to your drivers for fuel purchases? If so, you may be at risk for fraud and profit loss due to the misuse of these items when they are used for fueling vehicles other than those authorized for use. Codes, keys and gas cards are also easily forgotten or misplaced thus allowing fuel access to wind up in the hands of unauthorized drivers.
Thanks to the latest data driven solution from Diesel Direct, you can avoid these risks and improve fleet management! BARLOC is a patent pending technology that allows only authorized vehicles to be fueled at your captive or commercial fueling facilities while simultaneously collecting the information you need to keep track of which vehicles are being fueled, how much fuel is being purchased and how often.

Here's how it works:
- A barcode is affixed to only your approved assets
- The barcode is scanned at the pump prior to dispensing fuel ensuring that only approved assets are receiving fuel
- Fueling data is then collected in our cloud based system enabeling you to gain the knowledge neccesary to manage your fleet such as:
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- The type of fuel being purchased (clear, dyed, DEF)
- Date that trucks are being fueled
- The location at which your trucks are being fueled
For more information on how the BARLOC system works, visit our BARLOC page or download the BARLOC pdf here