Diesel Direct

Celebrating Marty Kelly's 20th Work Anniversary!

May 19, 2023

Today, we raise a toast to our remarkable employee, Marty Kelly, who has reached an incredible milestone of 20 years with Diesel Direct! Marty, your dedication and hard work have been truly inspiring. Your journey with us has been filled with personal and professional growth, and we couldn't be prouder of your achievements.

Marty, you have always been full of surprises, breaking stereotypes about age and vitality. At 64, you're an embodiment of energy and enthusiasm. We appreciate your dedication to savoring life beyond work, embracing special moments with your beloved ones, such as Saturday lunch outings with your two daughters Taisha and Keisha.

We were curious to know more about your life story and what led you to join our company. After your time at Polaroid, where you worked for an impressive 24 years, circumstances led you to Diesel Direct. Inspired by your roommate at the time, you made the bold decision to get your CDL and embark on a new journey with us. And as they say, the rest is history!

Throughout your time at Diesel Direct, you have played a vital role in introducing new employees to our company's operations. Bringing them on drive-alongs and showcasing our work, you have been instrumental in promoting awareness and instilling a sense of pride in what we do. Let's not overlook the numerous occasions where you have delighted the entire office staff, drivers, and mechanics with your famous meatball dishes. Your commitment to delivering personalized special moments to the employees around you is truly commendable.

Outside of work, we've discovered some fascinating aspects of your life. Gardening has become a newfound hobby, with you discovering the intricacies of tending to plants and combating weeds. Additionally, your love for traveling, particularly to California, where you frequently visit your girlfriend Angie, has been a source of joy. And of course, the dozen or so cruise adventures over the years have given you a sense of serenity and adventure on the open seas.

Marty, you've also made a significant impact on the company's growth and evolution. Training and mentoring new hires, being an ambassador, and even bringing your nephew Sean and a trusted colleague on board, you have invested in the development of our team. Your passion for Diesel Direct shines through as you speak highly of the company to anyone willing to listen. We appreciate your invaluable contributions.

Marty, as we commemorate your 20th anniversary with us and as you eagerly anticipate retirement and spending more quality time with your seven brothers, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering commitment, infectious enthusiasm, and profound influence on the Diesel Direct family. Here's 20 years of incredible achievements, remarkable growth, and cherished memories! Let the celebrations begin! 🎉🎉🎉

#EmployeeSpotlight #WorkAnniversary #DieselDirectFamily